Back in grade 9 I used to have a rivalry, I hated her and she hated me because thats what rivalries are. And since I am the kind of person who does not hate people without a logic, I had a very valid reason for this hatred, she was a two faced person and I hate two faced people. She used to taunt me and bother me and so on, the typical. I left the school and very soon I realized how stupid I was to think about that rivalry all the time, I was wasting my time thinking about what some girl said to me. And now once again I have found yet another rivalry but this time I have decided not to let her get into my head and rather focus on more important stuff I have to do in my life.

Now, you must be wondering why I am wasting my precious time talking about her, well the point is, I wanted to give this advice to all of you people out there who are wasting their so very precious time pondering about their rivalries when they can surely do better stuff in life. Rivalries are nothing but a waste of time, and soon you will be realizing this. Almost every person has a rivalry at a certain stage of life, not only in their teenage but even in their adulthood.
But you shouldn't really give a damn about what they say, just ignore and walk away. Thats what I did today and that's what I'll do from now on and so should you.
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