Hello everyone. Today as I begin to write, I once again have a thousand things on my mind and before I opened this blog, I was reading the blog of my favorite author, Paulo Coelho. and his writing inspired me to write. Not the fact how amazing and popular he is, but what he had written convinced em to persuade this blog as publishing a book, remains to be one of my many goals in life.
He had actually posted a page from his book, the Alchemist. That book is a ray of hope for me and will surely act as one for those who dream. And since everybody has a dream, because thats the only reason why they strive and work so hard, I think that everybody should read it. And if not the entire book, read this;
There isn't much to write about, I havent really been in touch with my diary either, but I think that this link of an inspirational note should do the trick ;)
Oh and one more thing, in my opinion every one should work for the betterment of humanity. So that we all have a better future. People should stop bring selfish and just once, Once, in their lifetime to do something for the betterment of humanity.
okie, bye now.(btw just now I was going to write "love you all" then I realized I don't really have any readers :S) well, maybe I should start publishing the link of this blog here and there. x)